WELCOME  to KetoNet

Together We are one!

Are you a dedicated follower of the ketogenic and low carb lifestyle? Are you eager to connect with a passionate community, access invaluable resources, and explore a platform built exclusively for keto enthusiasts? If you answered YES to any of those questions you are in the right place! KETONET, the groundbreaking keto social media platform does all this and more.


Uniting the Keto Community Like Never Before

Personalized Keto Profiles

Embrace your individuality by creating a unique keto profile that showcases your achievements, progress, and favorite recipes. Forge meaningful connections with others who share your keto passions.

Vibrant Keto Forums

Dive into dynamic discussions, share your experiences, and exchange invaluable tips and advice with fellow members. Our forums provide a nurturing space for keto beginners and seasoned pros alike.

Specialized Keto Groups

Be part of specialized keto groups tailored to your specific needs. Whether you seek weight loss support, fitness motivation, or insights into managing medical conditions with keto, our diverse groups have you covered.

Expert Keto Guidance

Access a pool of keto experts, nutritionists, and healthcare professionals eager to address your queries and offer valuable insights.

Keto Courses

Unleash the full potential of the ketogenic lifestyle through exclusive transformative keto courses led by our keto experts. Learn about effective meal planning, mastering macros, understanding ketosis, and more.

Keto Challenges

Embrace personal growth and achievement through our monthly keto challenges. Stay accountable, motivated, and join a community committed to reaching new heights together.

Keto Marketplace

Discover an array of keto-friendly products and services from trusted vendors. From delectable snacks to cutting-edge kitchen gadgets, you’ll find all the tools you need to enhance your keto journey.

Coming Soon

The first ever Fitness and Fasting Challenges designed to cater to every need and physical capability.
A powerful combination of strength and will power.



In Person Classes

Online Classes

Dishes to Choose From



Your Keto-Focused Social Community


Your keto journey, your way. Craft a unique keto profile that reflects your progress, achievements, and your favorite mouthwatering recipes. Connect with fellow keto enthusiasts and share your experiences on your path to a healthier you. 


Stay in the keto loop with our dynamic social newsfeed. Discover the latest keto trends, success stories, and mouthwatering recipes shared by your fellow enthusiasts. Engage, like, and comment as you explore a world of keto inspiration. Your daily dose of keto goodness awaits


Dive into our community with Groups and Forums. Connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and share your insights on all things keto. Whether you’re a newbie seeking guidance or a seasoned pro offering expertise, these spaces are your go-to for discussions and support.



In Person Classes

Online Classes

Dishes to Choose From





Discover the extraordinary power of keto fasting combined with daily fitness quests. Join our revolutionary 30-day challenge and embark on a journey of transformation like no other. Enjoy gourmet keto meals, collagen-rich snacks, and connect with a supportive community on our exclusive social platform.

Keto Kitchen Kickstart

Unlock the secrets of the keto kitchen with our hands-on cooking course. From mastering macros to crafting delectable, keto-friendly dishes, this course is your passport to culinary success. Fuel your body, tantalize your taste buds, and embark on a flavorful keto journey like never before. Let’s cook up a healthier lifestyle together!

30 Day spring Cleanse

Refresh, rejuvenate, and revitalize with our Spring Cleanse program. Shed the winter blues and kickstart your wellness journey. Enjoy a tailored cleanse experience designed to reset your body, boost your energy, and inspire healthy habits. Spring has sprung. It’s time to bloom into a healthier, happier you!



In Person Classes

Online Classes

Dishes to Choose From



Online Keto Store

various keto goodies





In Person Classes

Online Classes

Dishes to Choose From




What is Ketonet?

Ketonet is an exclusive social media platform tailored for the keto and low-carb community. It offers a space for like-minded individuals to connect, share experiences, access resources, and enjoy a supportive community.


Can I join multiple keto groups on Ketonet?

Yes, you can join multiple keto groups on Ketonet based on your interests and needs. Whether you’re looking for weight loss support, fitness motivation, or recipe ideas, our diverse groups have something for everyone.

What can I expect in the Keto Fasting Challenge?

Our 30-day Keto Fasting Challenge, starting on September 4th, is designed to accelerate fat loss through fasting while offering personalized coaching and meal plans. It’s an opportunity to transform your keto journey with the support of experts and a vibrant community.

How can I connect with keto experts on Ketonet?

Ketonet offers direct access to keto experts, nutritionists, and healthcare professionals through forums, groups, and live sessions. You can ask questions and get personalized advice to support your keto lifestyle.

Ketonet suitable for beginners on a keto diet?

Yes, Ketonet is perfect for keto beginners! We have dedicated forums, groups, and courses specifically designed to provide guidance and support for those new to the keto lifestyle. Our community is here to help you every step of the way.

How do I create a keto profile on Ketonet?

To create a keto profile, simply sign up for Ketonet, and during the onboarding process, you’ll be prompted to customize your profile by adding information about your keto journey, goals, and favorite keto recipes.You can choose your level of access based on what you want to get out of this experience.

What kind of keto courses are available on Ketonet?

Ketonet offers a range of keto courses, from mastering keto basics to advanced techniques like macro tracking and meal planning. You can explore courses led by keto experts to enhance your keto knowledge and skills.

Are the products in the Keto Shop all Keto friendly?

Absolutely! We carefully curate the products in our Keto Marketplace, All store products are sold by our own dedicated stores throughout SA, Find the closest and most suitable store in your area.




(255) 352-6258